Configuration for different build triggers. You can have different staging and production environments in order to test your site before final deploy
Object payload
id string
ID of build_trigger
type string
Must be exactly "build_trigger"
name string Example: "Production"
adapter string Example: "netlify"
adapter_settings object Example: {"trigger_url":"","site_id":"XXX","branch":"master"}
Additional configuration for deploy
last_build_completed_at date-time, null Example: "2017-03-30T09:29:14.872Z"
Timestamp of the last deploy
build_status string Example: "success"
webhook_url string Example: ""
indexing_status string Example: "success"
frontend_url string, null Example: ""
indexing_enabled boolean Example: true
Enable scraper on the site
autotrigger_on_scheduled_publications boolean Example: true
Deploy on scheduled publication
webhook_token string Example: "xA1239ajsk123"
Unique token of the webhook
Available endpoints